ST Gregory

Becoming Catholic


Are you...

Looking to join a faith community?

Longing for a sense of purpose or mission in life?

Searching for a deeper relationship with God?

Seeking to learn more about the Catholic Faith?

A baptized Catholic looking to complete your Sacraments?

If so, then the RCIA community at St. Gregory the Great is here to help.  Many different paths lead people to explore the Catholic faith and every year the Catholic Church welcomes thousands of new members through the RCIA process. The mission of the RCIA Ministry at St. Gregory the Great is assist those seeking to grow in their faith life and to learn more about the Catholic Church.  We are committed to making the Catholic Church open and accessible to everyone regardless of their faith background. 

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, or RCIA, is the formal process by which one enters the Catholic Church.  The RCIA process is available to all individuals over the age of 7 and is intended to give its participants everything they need to fully live their Catholic faith in the world today.  

If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, or if you were baptized Catholic and never completed your Sacraments, or are simply curious about the Catholic faith, we are here to help.  

You are welcome to join the RCIA community throughout the year. We meet every Thursday, at 7 pm, in the IHM Welcome Center. For more information, please contact Jay Mather by email or by phone at (513) 388-4188.