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ST Gregory

March 12, 2023

Forming a Pastoral Council Details

Our family of parishes, now newly named St. Gregory the Great, is forming a unified Pastoral Council! This council’s purpose is a strategic focus on the direction and spiritual growth of the family. Please consider whether you, or someone you know, would be interested in being a member of our inaugural, family level Pastoral Council.

The most important attributes team members will have are as follows:

  1. Strategic Thinking
  2. Diligence
  3. Spirituality
  4. Good Communicator and Listener

All with a focus on the family of parishes and rather than just your individual parish. 

Each parish will have three members on the new council.  Terms will initially be between two and four years, followed by three-year terms after this phase-in cycle. You do not need prior experience on a parish council to become a member of this pastoral council.

At this phase of the Beacons of Light process, individual parish councils still serve an important role and will remain as is.

If you’re interested in being considered for our St. Gregory the Great Pastoral Council, please email [email protected] by March 31, 2023.

Also, individuals have asked me about the names of our churches. Even though we are now referred to as the St. Gregory the Great Family of Parishes, the names of the Churches remain the same: St. John Fisher, Guardian Angels and Immaculate Heart of Mary. One could refer to a location as the St. Gregory the Great Family of Parishes, Guardian Angels Church.

A lot of changes yet to come. The Church Subgroup of the Pathways Team has rolled our family name after a process of participation, our Eucharist subgroup will be rolling out a readjustment of daily, holyday and Saturday Mass schedules. As the Lenten song reminds us: Change our hearts this time, your word says it can be. Change our minds this time, your life could make us free. We are the people your call sets apart. Lord, this time change our hearts. Brought by your hand to the edge of our dreams, one foot leave behind. But … Drawn by your promises, still we are lured by the shadows and the chains we leave behind. We rely on the grace of God as we move forward in our family of parishes.