ST Gregory

January 22, 2023

Participate in Naming our Family of Parishes

You may have read in last week’s bulletin that our Pathways Team for Beacons of Light is pursuing a name for our family of parishes. Your participation is encouraged. Please consider submitting a name. It will need to follow the guidelines set out in the bulletin of being a saint’s name, etc. The names for family of parishes in the Archdiocese cannot be duplicates. This is another step in our process. Instead of calling ourselves the  S-3 family of parishes, we will have a proper name to refer to ourselves as a unit. The names of the Churches will not change just a joint name. Thank you for your participation.

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Holy Day

Monday, December 9 is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, a Holy Day of Obligation.
Masses in the St. Gregory the Great Family:

7:30 am – Guardian Angels

8:15 am – Immaculate Heart of Mary (with school)

9:00 am – Guardian Angels (with school)

12:00 pm – Immaculate Heart of Mary

6:15 pm – St. John Fisher

7:00 pm – Guardian Angels
